The Danger of Forsaking God
Author: Ayodeji Oludapo
Date: November 2, 2024
"But my righteous one will live by faith. And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back." - Hebrews 10:38 (NIV)
"For Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica." - 2 Timothy 4:10 (NIV)
Devotional Thoughts
When we receive salvation, we are called out of darkness into the marvellous light of God—an incredible moment when the love of God redeems us from the bondage of sin and sets us on a path of hope, life, and purpose. From that moment, we begin a new journey, and in this journey, we are equipped with the help of the Holy Spirit, the guiding truth of God’s Word, and the supportive community of fellow believers.
But the journey isn’t without its challenges. The enemy, Satan, is relentless in his efforts to make us turn back. He throws temptations, doubts, and worldly distractions our way, hoping to lure us back into darkness. This darkness is not the absence of light alone, but a realm where we are left vulnerable, disoriented, and spiritually exposed—a place where we are easy prey for attacks, without the protective shield of God’s grace. Demas, once a companion of the Apostle Paul, fell into this trap. The allure of the world drew him back, and he abandoned the faith. His example serves as a powerful reminder of the danger of forsaking God.
To walk away from the light of Christ is not just a decision to stop believing, but it is a step into darkness—a decision to be exposed to the chaos of sin once again. Just as a person stumbling around in the dark is susceptible to harm, so are we when we forsake God. We become vulnerable to fear, anxiety, deception, and the lies of the enemy. The sense of direction and purpose that once filled our lives fades, and we are left in confusion.
Forsaking God means forsaking the light. In the light, we see things clearly—our purpose, our worth, and our relationship with God. In the light, we are empowered to resist the enemy, to discern truth from lies, and to walk in freedom. But in darkness, we are bound, unable to see clearly, and prone to fall.
Practical Reflections
Stay Connected to the Source of Light: The best way to avoid forsaking God is to stay connected to Him daily. Spend time in prayer, worship, and reading the Word of God. Make it a priority, even when life gets busy.
Guard Your Heart Against Worldly Allure: The world will offer temporary pleasures that seem attractive, but remember that they lead to emptiness. Guard your heart against these distractions by keeping an eternal perspective.
Lean on the Community of Believers: We are not called to walk this journey alone. Surround yourself with godly friends who encourage, correct, and support you. They are a gift from God, especially during times of struggle and doubt.
Remember the Consequences: Reflect on the story of Demas and others in the Bible who turned away. Let their stories remind you of the cost of forsaking the truth. Darkness is never a place of safety; it’s a place of vulnerability and spiritual danger.
Closing Thoughts
The journey of faith is a constant battle between light and darkness. While the enemy tries to pull us away, God has given us everything we need to remain steadfast. We have the Holy Spirit, the truth of Scripture, and the support of other believers. Let us not take these gifts for granted. Forsaking God might feel like a momentary choice, but the consequences can be devastating. Choose to stay in the light, no matter how tempting the darkness may seem.
Heavenly Father, thank You for calling me out of darkness into Your marvellous light. I ask for strength to remain faithful to You, especially in times of temptation and trial. Holy Spirit, guide me and keep my heart fixed on Jesus. Help me to stay connected to You and surrounded by those who will uplift me. May I never forsake the light of Your presence. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.