The Blessing of Obedience
Author: Ayodeji Oludapo
Date: September 27, 2024
Scripture: "So Naaman went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, as the man of God had instructed him. And his skin was restored and became clean like that of a young boy." — 2 Kings 5:14 (NIV)
Devotional Thoughts
Naaman’s story is a powerful example of the blessings that come through obedience to God. Naaman was a man of great influence—a commander of the army—but despite his position, he suffered from the disease of leprosy. When he sought healing from the prophet Elisha, he was expecting something dramatic, perhaps a grand display of prophetic power. But Elisha’s instructions were simple and, to Naaman, even insulting: “Go and wash in the Jordan River seven times.”
Initially, Naaman resisted. He couldn’t understand why Elisha would send him to such an ordinary river, or why the prophet hadn’t performed a more impressive healing ritual. Naaman almost missed his breakthrough because the instruction seemed beneath him. Yet, after some urging from his servants, he finally obeyed. And it was through that obedience that his healing came. His skin was restored, and he was made whole again.
The lesson from Naaman’s experience is clear: God’s instructions often challenge our understanding and pride. He may ask us to do things that seem insignificant or strange, but His commands are always purposeful. Obedience to God may not always make sense to us, but it opens the door to His miracles. Just like Naaman, when we surrender our preconceived ideas and choose to follow God’s direction, we position ourselves to receive His grace and blessings.
Practical Reflection
There are moments in life when God asks us to take steps that don’t seem logical. We may be waiting for a grand solution, but God’s instruction may be simple—so simple that we might even be tempted to ignore it.
Are you currently in a situation where God is asking you to take a step of faith, but you’ve been hesitant? It might not seem grand or significant, but obedience in the small things often leads to major breakthroughs.
Think about the areas in your life where God is calling you to trust Him more. Whether it’s making a difficult decision, forgiving someone, or stepping into something new, obeying God’s direction leads to His divine outcomes.
Obedience is not just about the act itself but about trusting God’s wisdom. It’s trusting that He knows what we need even when we don’t understand why He’s asking us to do something. Just like Naaman, we can experience transformation when we choose to follow God’s lead, even when it feels uncomfortable or unclear.
Closing Thoughts
God’s instructions are not meant to confuse or burden us; they are always for our good. Naaman’s story reminds us that even when God’s commands seem simple or strange, they carry the potential for life-changing miracles. The key to unlocking God’s blessings lies in our obedience. When we choose to follow God’s voice, we experience His power and provision in ways we never imagined.
Dear Lord, thank You for showing us through Naaman’s story the power of obedience. Help us to trust Your instructions, even when they don’t make sense to us. Remove any pride, doubt, or reluctance that may hinder us from following Your lead. Teach us to rely on Your wisdom, knowing that You always have our best in mind. Guide us in obedience so that we can experience the fullness of Your blessings in our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.