Give God Your Best

Scripture: "Honour the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine." – Proverbs 3:9-10 (ESV)

Devotional Thoughts

As we step into 2025, one of the most impactful decisions you can make is to give your best to God—your time, resources, and talents. Reflect on the story of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4:3-7. Both brothers brought offerings to God, but only Abel’s was accepted. Abel gave the firstborn of his flock, a choice and sacrificial offering that reflected a heart of reverence and faith. Cain, however, offered some fruits of the soil—perhaps without thought or sacrifice. God looked at the heart behind each offering and found Abel’s to be acceptable.

This story challenges us to examine what we bring before the Lord. Are we offering our best, or are we giving Him leftovers? Abel’s offering was acceptable because it came from a willing and devoted heart. God isn’t interested in the quantity of what we bring but in the quality and sincerity behind it.

Several years ago, I felt called to pastor a church in Brandon, Canada, where there was no shepherd. Each week, I drove 2.5 hours each way to serve. Though it required sacrifice, I am still experiencing the joy and blessings of offering my time and heart to God. To this day, I cherish the meaningful connections I formed with that wonderful church family.

In 2025, let us resolve to give God the best portions of our lives—our time spent in prayer, our resources dedicated to His work, and our talents used to glorify Him. When we prioritize God, we declare that He is worthy of honour and trust, just as Abel did.

Practical Reflection

Ask yourself: What specific area of my life needs to be surrendered so that I can give God my best?

Closing Thoughts

As you journey through 2025, be intentional about giving God the first and finest parts of your life. Just as Abel’s offering pleased God, your dedication and faithfulness will draw you closer to Him and align your heart with His purpose. Remember, God gave us His very best—His Son, Jesus Christ. Let’s respond by giving Him our best in return.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of life and the blessings You have poured into my life. I pray that You help me to honour You with my time, resources, and talents in 2025. Teach me to have a willing and cheerful heart like Abel, always ready to give my best for Your glory. May my offering be pleasing to You and may my life reflect my trust and devotion to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.